Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Acne Expert points: Top three questions you should know the answers about acne

There are always a lot of unclear things about acne treatment, the following article are written referring to the most authoritative papers. I just want people to know the truth, and at the same time, to alert some of those writers who made very solid conclusion to think twice.
What is acne?
Acne occurs when skin pores get pluggedup and swell. These are called pimples orzits. You can have acne on the face, neck,chest, back, and shoulders. Acne usually occurs in teenagers andclears up at around age 20 years, butadults can also have acne. The exact cause of acne is not known,but you are more likely to have acne ifit runs in your family. Teenage hormones, oily skin, andcertain bacteria on the skin can makeacne worse. Acne is not caused by foods. But if youthink that some foods make you breakout, then do not eat them.
What can I do on my own to keep from getting acne or to make it better?Wash your face with a gentle soap 2times per day. Check the label on skin-care productsfor the words “noncomedogenic,”“non–pore-clogging,” or “oil-free.” You can get many acne medicines atthe drugstore. If your acne is mild, trya product that contains benzoylperoxide or salicylic acid. If you have acne that is very bad, leavesscars, or does not get better with nonprescriptionmedicine, see your doctor.
What will my doctor do for acne?Your doctor may give you lotions, gels,creams, or pills. Often, these pills areantibiotics or birth-control pills. A very strong acne medicine is calledisotretinoin (trade names: Accutane,Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret). It is forvery bad acne that does not get betterwith other medicines.

Acne Expert points: Top three questions you should know the answers about acne

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